It's our mission to provide the highest level of soccer experience for our youth in the community while instilling leadership qualities. To make new friends, have fun, work on sportsmanship, get exercise, practice teamwork, learn leadership, and compete.

Central California United, main theme throughout is to meet the needs of children at the level they are at. Too often children are modified to meet the requirements of a game. 

We want our children to take part in actually playing and having fun rather than struggling to understand a game created for adults.

If we want our children to enjoy and take part in soccer they need to: 

feel success

 • take an active part in the game

 • learn to play as a team 

understand the laws 

develop soccer skills 

be able to take part; whatever their ability may be 

develop their fitness.

Our utmost goal is to meet the needs of every child where each is at his / her capacity of having fun playing soccer. The children are more important than the activities in which they are engaged. The game is not the thing, the child is!